In this article, I will tell and show you how to sew a nude swimsuit with decor from today’s popular mirror fabric. Where to buy such a mirror fabric and how to work with it - you will find all this in this article.
- Sketch
- Required materials
- Lekala
- Tailoring
First, I drew a sketch of a swimsuit.
Necessary materials
For sewing a swimsuit you will need the following materials:
- Flesh-colored supplex (bought in the Esta store)
- Silver varnish on a felt basis (bought in the Isadora store)
- Rhinestones Crystal hot fix 16ss and 20ss
- Adhesive for fabric “UHU”
I didn’t sew this swimsuit to order, so I didn’t build a new design, but took the swimsuit patterns I built earlier for a height of 165 - 175 cm.
In this swimsuit, I did not draw geometric shapes on the patterns and number them, as I did in a swimsuit with a mirror gold decor, which you can see HERE. I just cut a lot of different triangles of different sizes from silver lacquer, which I will then lay out on the details of the front, back and sleeves.
We cut out the details of the front, back and one sleeve, but we do not grind them yet. First, I beautifully laid out, as in the sketch, the silver triangles cut earlier on the details of the front, back and sleeve.
In the sketch, I only had silver figures on the bottom of the sleeve, but in the process it seemed to me that this was not enough, so I added them also in the upper part.
After that, I glued all the geometric shapes to the supplex with “UHU” glue. These parts must be glued before sewing on the sewing machine, since it is impossible to baste it, it is difficult to pierce it with a needle and holes remain, which then cannot be steamed with an iron.
Once the glue was dry, I sewed all the silver pieces on a Juki industrial sewing machine for heavy fabrics. I sew this material always with thick thread for jeans, a leather needle and use a Teflon foot. Remember, this is important.
After I sewed all the silver details on the swimsuit, I moved on to pasting with rhinestones. Rhinestones used hot fix.
Then I stitched the details of the back and front together on an overlock and stitched the sleeve. Then I zigzag stitched the neckline, cutout on the back and bottom of the sleeve. I processed the bottom of the swimsuit with an elastic band.
My gymnastic leotard is ready.
As a result, this swimsuit went to its mistress, a tiger trainer in Lithuania. The artist liked the swimsuit so much that she immediately ordered a men’s bomber jacket in the same style for her husband, who works with her in a pair, in an attraction with white tigers. You can read the article about the bomber HERE.
Thank you for reading my article. I hope my instructions will help you sew the swimsuit of your dreams